Financial Statement information at times appears to be overwhelming. Directors, managers, officers, auditors, reviewers, investors, controllers, regulators and others often try to focus on financial statements to pinpoint bank areas of concern.
These financial statement analysts are usually concerned with:
- Unusual transactions
- Unusual events
- Accounting changes
- Business changes
- Misstatements
Various tools are used to help focus on the analysis.
Generally, the tools include:
- Use of Financial Statement Analytical Procedures (APs) Designed to Focus on Bank Area of Concern
- Use of the Uniform Bank Holding Company Performance Report (UBHCPR)
- Use of Key Indicators (KIs)
This webinar addresses the first of these three tools – Use of Financial Statement Analytical Procedures.
The other two tools are covered in other webinars.
This webinar addresses historical trend analysis which includes:
- Dollar Analysis
- Percentage Analysis
- Common-Size Financial Statement Analysis: Balance Sheet and Income Statement
This webinar is designed for all persons who review financial statement for various purposes. These reviewers or analysts want to take massive amounts of data and reduce the data to manageable, workable, decipherable and intelligent pieces that can be used to provide a laser-like focus on unexpected and surprising occurrences.
Attendees should include:
- Financial analysts
- Directors
- Managers
- Bank Officers
- Controllers
- Internal auditors
- External auditors
- Regulatory’s
- Investors
- During the 90-minute webinar, topic coverage will include the following:
- During the 90-minute webinar, topic coverage will include the following:
- Historical Trend Analysis
- Dollar analysis
- Percentage analysis
- Common-size analysis
- Ratio Analysis
- Profitability ratios
- Capital ratios
- Asset quality ratios
- Liquidity ratios
- Productivity ratios
- Comparisons of actual vs forecasted results
- Analysis of financial statement interrelationships
- Analysis of industry statistics
- Computational examples
- Explanation of the meaning of the analysis
- Understanding key financial statement ratios that can be used for specific purposes by bank analysts
- Using tools to detect unusual or, at a minimum, unexpected changes or occurrences
- Comparing and contrasting basic financial statements with common-size financial statements
- Distinguishing between dollar analysis and percentage analysis
- Comprehending the power of common-size financial statements
- Grasping the importance of key ratios
- Capturing the meaning of profitability ratios, capital ratios, asset quality ratios, liquidity ratios, and productivity ratios
- Understanding how to calculate and how to interpret the meaning of the various ratios
- The targeted audience for such a webinar are the senior people at the bank:
- Directors
- Management
- Officers – Controllers, Treasurers, etc
- General Auditor – Internal
- Compliance Officer
- Risk Manager
- General Counsel
- External Auditor
- Primary Regulator
- Financial Analysts
- Internal Auditing Personnel
This webinar is designed for all persons who review financial statement for various purposes. These reviewers or analysts want to take massive amounts of data and reduce the data to manageable, workable, decipherable and intelligent pieces that can be used to provide a laser-like focus on unexpected and surprising occurrences.
Attendees should include:
- Financial analysts
- Directors
- Managers
- Bank Officers
- Controllers
- Internal auditors
- External auditors
- Regulatory’s
- Investors
- During the 90-minute webinar, topic coverage will include the following:
- During the 90-minute webinar, topic coverage will include the following:
- Historical Trend Analysis
- Dollar analysis
- Percentage analysis
- Common-size analysis
- Ratio Analysis
- Profitability ratios
- Capital ratios
- Asset quality ratios
- Liquidity ratios
- Productivity ratios
- Comparisons of actual vs forecasted results
- Analysis of financial statement interrelationships
- Analysis of industry statistics
- Computational examples
- Explanation of the meaning of the analysis
- Understanding key financial statement ratios that can be used for specific purposes by bank analysts
- Using tools to detect unusual or, at a minimum, unexpected changes or occurrences
- Comparing and contrasting basic financial statements with common-size financial statements
- Distinguishing between dollar analysis and percentage analysis
- Comprehending the power of common-size financial statements
- Grasping the importance of key ratios
- Capturing the meaning of profitability ratios, capital ratios, asset quality ratios, liquidity ratios, and productivity ratios
- Understanding how to calculate and how to interpret the meaning of the various ratios
- The targeted audience for such a webinar are the senior people at the bank:
- Directors
- Management
- Officers – Controllers, Treasurers, etc
- General Auditor – Internal
- Compliance Officer
- Risk Manager
- General Counsel
- External Auditor
- Primary Regulator
- Financial Analysts
- Internal Auditing Personnel
Speaker Profile

Paul J. Sanchez, CPA, CBA, CFSA, CGMA conducts a small CPA practice in Port Washington, New York. He is also the owner of Professional Service Associates (PSA), a consulting and professional training and development business servicing corporate clients (auditors, controllers, etc.), CPA firms, professional associations and others. He was an assistant professor at Long Island University - C.W. Post Campus as well as an adjunct lecturer at City University of New York. Prior to starting PSA, he was the Vice President-Professional Development for the Audit Division of a regional bank and Director of Professional Practices and Vice President of a …
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