There are a number of misconceptions about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and workers' compensation, including:
Some people think that the ADA is misused by people with vague complaints or diagnoses. However, the ADA requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities, unless doing so would cause undue hardship.
Some people think that employees must explicitly request FMLA leave. Others think that employers can deny reduced schedule or intermittent leave if it's disruptive to the workplace. However, the FMLA allows workers time off for family or health reasons that constitute a serious health condition.
Workers' compensation
Some people think that workers' compensation benefits are only for incidents where the employer or a third party is at fault. Others think that workers' compensation only covers physical injuries, leaving those with psychological conditions without support. Workers' compensation provides compensation for lost wages and medical treatment for employees facing a work-related injury.
Learn how to mitigate these regulations and avoid the legal landmine it represents.
The implication of violating federal regulations can issue huge fines, penalties and even criminal sanctions. Mitigating these regulations can be a legal landmine and have workplace compliance. This training will provide the necessary tools and resources to navigate these regulations and be clear about the compliance expectations.LEARNING OBJECTIVES
- Learn the differences between each of the FMLA, ADA and Workers Compensation requirement
- Learh how the reasonable accommodation interactive process can help navigate the ADA regulations
- Learn how FMLA can overlap with the ADA
- Learn how the Workers Compensation Insurance has it’s own requirement in the workplace
- Learn how to Provide a summary of the various types of federal, state and local employee leave and disability laws that may be in play when an employee (or their family member) requires time away for medical reasons
- Learn how these laws will commonly overlap and interact
- Learn the challenges faced by multi-state employers in administering disability and leave laws
- Learn the highlights common pitfalls and misconceptions that may increase the risk of employer liability
- All Employers
- Business Owners
- Company Leadership
- Compliance professionals
- HR Professionals
- Managers/Supervisors
- Employers in all industries
- Learn the differences between each of the FMLA, ADA and Workers Compensation requirement
- Learh how the reasonable accommodation interactive process can help navigate the ADA regulations
- Learn how FMLA can overlap with the ADA
- Learn how the Workers Compensation Insurance has it’s own requirement in the workplace
- Learn how to Provide a summary of the various types of federal, state and local employee leave and disability laws that may be in play when an employee (or their family member) requires time away for medical reasons
- Learn how these laws will commonly overlap and interact
- Learn the challenges faced by multi-state employers in administering disability and leave laws
- Learn the highlights common pitfalls and misconceptions that may increase the risk of employer liability
- All Employers
- Business Owners
- Company Leadership
- Compliance professionals
- HR Professionals
- Managers/Supervisors
- Employers in all industries
Speaker Profile

Margie Faulk is a senior level human resources professional with over 15 years of HR management and compliance experience. A current Compliance Advisor for HR Compliance Solutions, LLC, Margie, has worked as an HR Compliance advisor for major corporations and small businesses in the small, large, private, public and Non-profit sectors. Margie has provided small to large businesses with risk management strategies that protect companies and reduces potential workplace fines and penalties from violation of employment regulations. Margie is bilingual (Spanish) fluent and Bi-cultural.Margie’s area of expertise includes Criminal Background Screening Policies and auditing, I-9 document correction and storage compliance, …
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