Today’s always on, TNT – Time-Numbers-Technology/Transition – Driven and Distracted World can breed tension and conflict. Discover the Four Angry “I”s and the Stress Doc’s “Four Faces of Anger” Model for transforming anger, rage, and conflict into productive dialogue and conflict resolution. Learn and practice skills and strategies for, 1) disarming power struggles by asking trust-building, “good questions” and 2) providing and receiving all kinds of feedback, even how to deal constructively with a critical aggressor. Understand the difference between “acknowledgment” and “agreement” and lyrically disarm or emotionally detach from “Yes, butter” and self-centered types. Use the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Styles Inventory to discover your style of conflict; and learn how to engage in collaborative conflict resolution. Learn how to appropriately and strategically use humor to disarm pressure-packed situations.
As a workplace becomes more “TNT” with ever-changing, 24/7 timeline pressure, and the workplace becomes more diverse, it is more difficult for “message sent to be message received.” Communication problems, interpersonal frustrations and conflicts, silo effects, and “us vs. them” thinking can negatively impact workplace productivity and a cohesive culture. This webinar is for anyone in an organization or company who depends on efficient and effective communication and collaboration to be productive. It is for anyone interested in preventing unspoken or unaddressed anger from spiraling in a destructive direction. This webinar will help promote a productive, inclusive, and supportive “high task/tech and human touch” culture.
- Grasp the anger trigger dynamics – “The Four Angry “I”s
- Discover the Stress Doc's "Four Faces of Anger Model": whether anger is constructive or destructive, purposeful or spontaneous
- Take an Assertiveness Assessment Test; identify your assertive "hot spots"
- Understand the constructive-destructive difference between assertive “I”s and blaming “You" messages; practice
- Engage in mind exercises that provide tools for disarming critical aggressors; understand the array of emotional responses or reactions to feedback
- Learn to disarm “Yes, butter” and “passive-aggressors”
- Discover the five Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Styles in workplace conflict situations; grasp the paradoxical power of collaboration and consensus
- Recognize attributional bias and discover an IDEAL Model for disarming conflict
All personnel levels – from front-line employees to all levels of management will gain skills, tools, and strategies for 1) learning to understand different anger dimensions and how to express frustration and anger more constructively and professionally. Participants will gain tools and techniques for transforming conflict into more collaborative problem-solving. Teams and the organization as a whole benefit when a work culture can acknowledge and address differences disagreement, anger, and conflict in an open, transparent, and respectful manner.
As a workplace becomes more “TNT” with ever-changing, 24/7 timeline pressure, and the workplace becomes more diverse, it is more difficult for “message sent to be message received.” Communication problems, interpersonal frustrations and conflicts, silo effects, and “us vs. them” thinking can negatively impact workplace productivity and a cohesive culture. This webinar is for anyone in an organization or company who depends on efficient and effective communication and collaboration to be productive. It is for anyone interested in preventing unspoken or unaddressed anger from spiraling in a destructive direction. This webinar will help promote a productive, inclusive, and supportive “high task/tech and human touch” culture.
- Grasp the anger trigger dynamics – “The Four Angry “I”s
- Discover the Stress Doc's "Four Faces of Anger Model": whether anger is constructive or destructive, purposeful or spontaneous
- Take an Assertiveness Assessment Test; identify your assertive "hot spots"
- Understand the constructive-destructive difference between assertive “I”s and blaming “You" messages; practice
- Engage in mind exercises that provide tools for disarming critical aggressors; understand the array of emotional responses or reactions to feedback
- Learn to disarm “Yes, butter” and “passive-aggressors”
- Discover the five Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Styles in workplace conflict situations; grasp the paradoxical power of collaboration and consensus
- Recognize attributional bias and discover an IDEAL Model for disarming conflict
All personnel levels – from front-line employees to all levels of management will gain skills, tools, and strategies for 1) learning to understand different anger dimensions and how to express frustration and anger more constructively and professionally. Participants will gain tools and techniques for transforming conflict into more collaborative problem-solving. Teams and the organization as a whole benefit when a work culture can acknowledge and address differences disagreement, anger, and conflict in an open, transparent, and respectful manner.
Speaker Profile

Mark Gorkin, MSW, LICSW, "The Stress Doc" ™, a nationally acclaimed speaker, writer, and "Psychohumorist" ™, is a founding partner and Stress Resilience and Trauma Debriefing Consultant for the Nepali Diaspora Behavioral Health & Wellness Initiative. Current 247Compliance/Ijona Skills Training Expert; also,Leadership Coach/Training Consultant for the international Embry-Riddle Aeronautics University at the Daytona, FL headquarters. A former Stress and Violence Prevention Consultant for the US Postal Service, he has led numerous Pre-Deployment Stress Resilience-Humor-Team Building Retreats for the US Army. Mark also has extensive experience as a Critical Incident Consultant. The Doc is the author of Practice Safe Stress, The …
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