Communicating through email is fast and convenient and there are rules and etiquette that should need to be followed otherwise it may give a bad impression about the sender to the recipient. After completing this course, you will have learned: how to manage emails, the principles or ‘rules of thumb’ to ensure professional, clear & effective emails
Business email etiquette can help you build healthy business communications, eliminate email overload and boost your email productivity. Bad email and bad writing reflect immediately on your abilities and will make you look worse than you really are. Sometimes people say things in email that would be better left unsaid. Following the email etiquette, rules covered in this webinar will give you a definite career advantage
- Email perils
- Email “rules of thumb”
- Perfect your grammar
- Format your messages for professionalism
- Proofreading
- Cyber manner
- Netiquette
- Email-Addressing Your Message
- When to use CC/BCC/Forward/Reply to all/Urgent
- Subject Line
- Salutation
- Body
- Closing Signatures
- Working with Words
- Common Spelling Mistakes in jargon, grammar, and punctuation
- The clarity in Your Writing Style- Concise
- Organization Methods
- Communicate through email in a clear and concise fashion
- Utilize proven techniques to structure your thoughts
- Deal more effectively with email subject lines
- Learn efficient proofreading techniques
- Gain confidence in your writing style
- This webinar is designed for professionals at all levels who wish to obtain better results from their written business communication
Business email etiquette can help you build healthy business communications, eliminate email overload and boost your email productivity. Bad email and bad writing reflect immediately on your abilities and will make you look worse than you really are. Sometimes people say things in email that would be better left unsaid. Following the email etiquette, rules covered in this webinar will give you a definite career advantage
- Email perils
- Email “rules of thumb”
- Perfect your grammar
- Format your messages for professionalism
- Proofreading
- Cyber manner
- Netiquette
- Email-Addressing Your Message
- When to use CC/BCC/Forward/Reply to all/Urgent
- Subject Line
- Salutation
- Body
- Closing Signatures
- Working with Words
- Common Spelling Mistakes in jargon, grammar, and punctuation
- The clarity in Your Writing Style- Concise
- Organization Methods
- Communicate through email in a clear and concise fashion
- Utilize proven techniques to structure your thoughts
- Deal more effectively with email subject lines
- Learn efficient proofreading techniques
- Gain confidence in your writing style
- This webinar is designed for professionals at all levels who wish to obtain better results from their written business communication
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