Whatever happened to respect and civil behavior?
What is the cost when we lose both? Uncivil behavior, left unaddressed, begins a downward spiral you and your employees can’t afford. Incivility, leads to gossip in the workplace, rumors, and then to bullying in the workplace, harassment, and ultimately, what we see too much in the news every day now, sexual harassment.
Overworked, disengaged, and undisciplined staff does more harm to your reputation and employee productivity than you can afford. A workplace culture of tolerating a bad attitude by one or more employees is not acceptable. The cause of the employee attitude is generated from how they are treated at work, a seeming lack of respect for them.
Is it you or the other person who is the real problem?
Respect comes from dealing with the situation when it becomes evident. This presentation is about dealing with gossip in the workplace, how to change the behavior, and how to make employees be solution-oriented. Respect reduces stress, and, it drives up trust, engagement, creativity, and productivity.
Don’t let anyone get comfortable with disrespecting you, your work skills, your ethnic background, your soft skills in leadership and communication, your department, or your work team. Uncivil and disrespectful behavior, toxic workplace culture, negative work environment, and bullying in the workplace, when left unchecked, become a culture of being rude, indifferent, and uncaring. This generates gossip and rumors. Gossip is someone trying to level the playing field by taking away what someone else has, fairly or unfairly, or to get what they don't have, and think they should have.
They become rude. Rudeness is the weak person’s imitation of strength and a sledgehammer by others who know how to use it. Left unchecked, this can lead to bullying in the workplace, harassment, and then sexual harassment, creating a toxic workplace culture, and when publicized, a bad reputation that requires expensive damage control.
If you want to produce and deliver a caring, supportive, engaging and empowering, stressful free, and productive environment, consistently, you need to learn how to:
- Understand what creates disrespectful behavior in the first place and what it escalates to
- Exercise the power of choice with the eight options you have
- Practice the world’s two most powerful skills for gaining control of the situation
- Learn how to calm down destructive behavior by using empathy and direct communication
- Adopt how to engage, empower and motivate in three profound but logical steps
- Review the three self-tests that will stop conflict cold if utilized right away
- Dealing with gossip in the workplace
A negative, destructive, disruptive culture starts when any bad behavior; verbal, written, or viewed, does not get challenged and stopped. You cannot afford this action that leads to a bad reputation, negative news coverage, staff resignations, and loss of customers and prospects.
HR, customer service, staff development. The information in this webinar is applicable to every business or organization where there is a cultural problem of disrespect and confrontation.
Don’t let anyone get comfortable with disrespecting you, your work skills, your ethnic background, your soft skills in leadership and communication, your department, or your work team. Uncivil and disrespectful behavior, toxic workplace culture, negative work environment, and bullying in the workplace, when left unchecked, become a culture of being rude, indifferent, and uncaring. This generates gossip and rumors. Gossip is someone trying to level the playing field by taking away what someone else has, fairly or unfairly, or to get what they don't have, and think they should have.
They become rude. Rudeness is the weak person’s imitation of strength and a sledgehammer by others who know how to use it. Left unchecked, this can lead to bullying in the workplace, harassment, and then sexual harassment, creating a toxic workplace culture, and when publicized, a bad reputation that requires expensive damage control.
If you want to produce and deliver a caring, supportive, engaging and empowering, stressful free, and productive environment, consistently, you need to learn how to:
- Understand what creates disrespectful behavior in the first place and what it escalates to
- Exercise the power of choice with the eight options you have
- Practice the world’s two most powerful skills for gaining control of the situation
- Learn how to calm down destructive behavior by using empathy and direct communication
- Adopt how to engage, empower and motivate in three profound but logical steps
- Review the three self-tests that will stop conflict cold if utilized right away
- Dealing with gossip in the workplace
A negative, destructive, disruptive culture starts when any bad behavior; verbal, written, or viewed, does not get challenged and stopped. You cannot afford this action that leads to a bad reputation, negative news coverage, staff resignations, and loss of customers and prospects.
HR, customer service, staff development. The information in this webinar is applicable to every business or organization where there is a cultural problem of disrespect and confrontation.
Speaker Profile

Bruce Lee has been educating and inspiring audiences with practical and proven information they can immediately implement into their personal and professional lives and for improved business growth or efficiency. A varied business and leadership background provides him with proven experience that clients can relate to. A solid business background from a good cross-section of the industry includes: Charter Bank branch management, with special projects assigned from time to time of mortgage lending departments and seasonal savings bond drives,Manager / Resident Representative for the VISA credit card Division of a legacy Bank, in charge of the entire Province of Alberta Senior marketing …
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