Most employees insist they have privacy rights, especially at the workplace. But few know what those rights are. Likewise, not every employer or manager know what the employer’s privacy rights are or what their obligations are when it comes to respecting an employee’s privacy rights and what the penalties are for not doing so. And that was in a pre-Covid-19 world!If you, do not know what an employee and employer’s privacy rights are and do it wrong, are you prepared to face the consequences of actual, compensatory, or punitive damages and damage to your own professional reputation and standing within your work community? And what about COVID-19 or the next pandemic? Or how biometric issues should be handled? For the foreseeable future the workplace will be raising issues about an employee’s privacy rights to refuse to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), be tested, vaccinated or contact traced both at work or in their personal life. Such privacy issues are inevitable since COVID-19 and the very nature of any pandemic is its highly communicable nature and effects on not just the employee but others as well. So, if fortune favors the prepared than this webinar will help you to be ready by guiding you through this maze of privacy rights by exploring the foundations.
- What the U.S. Constitution (1st, 4th ,5th and 14th Amendments) says about privacy, how the courts interpreted it and how it affects the workplace?
- What is meant by “Invasion of privacy “and what are the balancing tests and exceptions courts use to determine if the following concepts were violated?
- “Reasonable expectation of privacy.”
- “Intrusion into seclusion.”
- “Unreasonable publicity” of one’s private life.
- False light/defamation
- Remedies and employer defenses for “invasion of Privacy” claims
- How and why employer obligations differ in the private and public sectors.
- Federal v State privacy law differences
- Different types of Invasions of Privacy claims
- Searches
- Political speech and privacy
- Monitoring and Surveillance
- “Employment at will” versus privacy
- Employer investigations and employee privacy rights
- Statutory Privacy Rights
- Biometric developments
- Managers
- Supervisors
- Executives
- All Levels of both in-house and outside counsel
- All levels of Union representation and officers
- Business Representatives
- Business Managers
- Presidents
- Officers
- Board Members
- Human Resources and specifically labor Relations
- All levels of security personnel/staff or anyone who participates in conducting an investigation
If you, do not know what an employee and employer’s privacy rights are and do it wrong, are you prepared to face the consequences of actual, compensatory, or punitive damages and damage to your own professional reputation and standing within your work community? And what about COVID-19 or the next pandemic? Or how biometric issues should be handled? For the foreseeable future the workplace will be raising issues about an employee’s privacy rights to refuse to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), be tested, vaccinated or contact traced both at work or in their personal life. Such privacy issues are inevitable since COVID-19 and the very nature of any pandemic is its highly communicable nature and effects on not just the employee but others as well. So, if fortune favors the prepared than this webinar will help you to be ready by guiding you through this maze of privacy rights by exploring the foundations.
- What the U.S. Constitution (1st, 4th ,5th and 14th Amendments) says about privacy, how the courts interpreted it and how it affects the workplace?
- What is meant by “Invasion of privacy “and what are the balancing tests and exceptions courts use to determine if the following concepts were violated?
- “Reasonable expectation of privacy.”
- “Intrusion into seclusion.”
- “Unreasonable publicity” of one’s private life.
- False light/defamation
- Remedies and employer defenses for “invasion of Privacy” claims
- How and why employer obligations differ in the private and public sectors.
- Federal v State privacy law differences
- Different types of Invasions of Privacy claims
- Searches
- Political speech and privacy
- Monitoring and Surveillance
- “Employment at will” versus privacy
- Employer investigations and employee privacy rights
- Statutory Privacy Rights
- Biometric developments
- Managers
- Supervisors
- Executives
- All Levels of both in-house and outside counsel
- All levels of Union representation and officers
- Business Representatives
- Business Managers
- Presidents
- Officers
- Board Members
- Human Resources and specifically labor Relations
- All levels of security personnel/staff or anyone who participates in conducting an investigation
Speaker Profile

Bob Oberstein's career in Human Resources and Labor Relations spans over 48 years. Bob is uniquely qualified in this area having started out as a third-generation Union member who has represented both sides of the labor management table in both the public and private sectors in both the non-union and union workplace.As an Interest Based facilitator he trained and coached parties on how to constructively process their negotiations to a successful conclusion thereby promoting and enhancing their relationship. Bob has also served the labor management community as a neutral fact finder, mediator and arbitrator for multiple organizations and …
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