This webinar on Workplace Dress Codes will discuss your reasons and rights as an employer to establish a dress code in your workplace and how to develop and adopt one that complements your business.
Establishing a Dress Code for your business today is not as simple as it once was. Before deciding on a formal dress code or updating your current one, the reasons and benefits should be explored so that your decisions can promote a professional, safe and comfortable environment that reflects your culture in a positive manner.
This webinar discusses your reasons and rights as an employer to establish a dress code in your workplace and how to develop and adopt one that complements your business. Considerations range from what is considered professional attire to cultural and generational preferences. It will also discuss how to establish clear guidelines for employees, the reasons behind decisions for dress and how to be comfortable, yet professional.
- Reasons to have a Dress Code
- Your rights as an employer to establish a dress code as a condition of employment
- What to include in your dress code?
- Defining business, business casual and casual
- Professionalism: customer contact positions
- Morale and respect among coworkers
- Safety: office and manufacturing positions
- Uniforms and logo wear
- Piercings, tattoos and hair
- Perfume and cologne
- Hygiene
- Cultural and religious considerations and other exceptions
- Younger generation's preference for informality
- When companies have been taken to court about "dress": discrimination cases related to sex or gender, religion, or race?
- When does dress make a positive or negative impact on performance?
- Designing a policy which corresponds to your business
- The session will provide practical guidance on how to create and implement legal policies on employees' clothing, jewelry, tattoos, grooming, and religious expression
- Among other things, you will receive answers to these questions:
- Can an employer strictly enforce dress and appearance policies without violating the law?
- Can a company require female employees to wear make-up? Or require male employees to have a short haircut?
- How does an employer handle the prevalence of tattoos and body jewelry among today's younger generation of workers?
- What process should an employer follow when addressing an employee's request to wear certain attire or headwear for religious reasons?
- When does safety trump religious beliefs?
- Can an employer have different dress requirements for different classes of employees?
- What are the potential legal risks associated with unlawful dress codes?
- Human Resource Professionals
- First line Supervisors and Management
- Recruiters and Employment Specialists
- Training and Learning Professionals
- Affirmative Action Officers
- Consultants and Business Owners
Establishing a Dress Code for your business today is not as simple as it once was. Before deciding on a formal dress code or updating your current one, the reasons and benefits should be explored so that your decisions can promote a professional, safe and comfortable environment that reflects your culture in a positive manner.
This webinar discusses your reasons and rights as an employer to establish a dress code in your workplace and how to develop and adopt one that complements your business. Considerations range from what is considered professional attire to cultural and generational preferences. It will also discuss how to establish clear guidelines for employees, the reasons behind decisions for dress and how to be comfortable, yet professional.
- Reasons to have a Dress Code
- Your rights as an employer to establish a dress code as a condition of employment
- What to include in your dress code?
- Defining business, business casual and casual
- Professionalism: customer contact positions
- Morale and respect among coworkers
- Safety: office and manufacturing positions
- Uniforms and logo wear
- Piercings, tattoos and hair
- Perfume and cologne
- Hygiene
- Cultural and religious considerations and other exceptions
- Younger generation's preference for informality
- When companies have been taken to court about "dress": discrimination cases related to sex or gender, religion, or race?
- When does dress make a positive or negative impact on performance?
- Designing a policy which corresponds to your business
- The session will provide practical guidance on how to create and implement legal policies on employees' clothing, jewelry, tattoos, grooming, and religious expression
- Among other things, you will receive answers to these questions:
- Can an employer strictly enforce dress and appearance policies without violating the law?
- Can a company require female employees to wear make-up? Or require male employees to have a short haircut?
- How does an employer handle the prevalence of tattoos and body jewelry among today's younger generation of workers?
- What process should an employer follow when addressing an employee's request to wear certain attire or headwear for religious reasons?
- When does safety trump religious beliefs?
- Can an employer have different dress requirements for different classes of employees?
- What are the potential legal risks associated with unlawful dress codes?
- Human Resource Professionals
- First line Supervisors and Management
- Recruiters and Employment Specialists
- Training and Learning Professionals
- Affirmative Action Officers
- Consultants and Business Owners
Speaker Profile

Susan Fahey Desmond is a partner with McGlinchey Stafford, PLLC which has offices in 33 states across the country. She has been representing management in all areas of labor and employment law for over 35 years. A noted author and speaker, Susan is listed in Best Lawyers in America and has been named by Chambers USA as one of America’s leading business lawyers
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