In successful negotiating, everyone wins. Your negotiating power and influence come from your preparation in knowing that your needs will be satisfied and for the other party. Negotiating is about having all the information and strategies you need to acquire and know in order to get the best result, and this webinar will more than deliver that for you.AREA COVERED
Areas covered are the pros and cons of what a winning strategy is. Learn what to avoid as you enter the negotiations. We start by looking at all the factors you have to handle in setting up the negotiating meeting, which includes the what, the when, the where, the who, and all the pre-planning necessary so you go there confident of success. This is done by the checklist: knowing the goal, deadlines, and alternatives, the style to bring, hot buttons to be aware of, the facts they have and what they are looking for, and how to brainstorm when there is an obstacle. Collaboration, research, and a renewed approach to achieving results. This is about maximizing value for you and your organization in any meeting that involves a purchase of products or services where price, timing, quantity, quality, and ongoing relationships are crucial to know and meet.LEARNING OBJECTIVES
The key learning objectives of this presentation are solidifying the goals you want to achieve in a principled negotiation and adhering to successful guidelines, which includes separating people from the problem and having creative options. We look at the three sides being brought to the table: your intentions, their intentions, and common ground via the process you lead this through. The 7 tactics to overcome in closing the deal are vital to know and to use each one effectively. We also look at what to do when the negotiations start to fail, to bring them back to life.WHO WILL BENEFIT?
- Business Professionals
- Entrepreneurs and Business Owners
- Consultants and Freelancers
- HR Professionals
- Anyone Seeking Negotiation Skills
- Business Professionals
- Entrepreneurs and Business Owners
- Consultants and Freelancers
- HR Professionals
- Anyone Seeking Negotiation Skills
Speaker Profile

Bruce Lee has been educating and inspiring audiences with practical and proven information they can immediately implement into their personal and professional lives and for improved business growth or efficiency. A varied business and leadership background provides him with proven experience that clients can relate to. A solid business background from a good cross-section of the industry includes: Charter Bank branch management, with special projects assigned from time to time of mortgage lending departments and seasonal savings bond drives,Manager / Resident Representative for the VISA credit card Division of a legacy Bank, in charge of the entire Province of Alberta Senior marketing …
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