Speaking of unproductive dynamics, each generation is trying to understand the other. Generations in the workplace are just plain not working. The workforce is more diverse than ever and there is a unique opportunity to leverage the power of that diversity. Learn what is needed to bring all of what is valuable, both old and new, into a successful future.The organizations that thrive will be the ones that create opportunities to leverage the assets of all the generations. Learn about what is getting in the way, and how to turn it around so that we can truly Leverage the Power of Generations to drive innovation and positive change. Laura Goodrich helps the learners see where we're all looking for the same thing: a purpose and a balance in our work and personal lives. She shares examples of companies that have afforded opportunities for the generations to focus on their strengths and find common bonds. Learn how to harness the power of generations. Do not allow your organization to be left behind. Join Laura in this exciting journey.
Describe topic importance, how this can add value to the work style.
Four possibly five generations in the workplace and it's a struggle. In the midst of that struggle, there lies the opportunity to truly collaborate and create next-generation products and solutions.
- Learn why it is urgent to Leverage The Power of Generations
- Learn where and why things get off track
- Learn about honestly assessing your effectiveness with the Leverage The Power of Generations competencies.
- Learn the value of finding common ground, what binds us no matter the year of our birthday and a surprising and powerful way to make a connection and foster trust.
- Learn how innovative leaders and teams are leveraging the power of generations to more effectively change and innovate before it's too late.
- Utilize insights and techniques to bridge intergenerational gaps
- Show your organization how to cultivate intergenerational understanding
- Demonstrate how all generations have something to learn and something to teach
- Demonstrate that all workers are looking for the same thing: purpose and balance in both work and personal lives
- Leaders
- Employees of all levels
Describe topic importance, how this can add value to the work style.
Four possibly five generations in the workplace and it's a struggle. In the midst of that struggle, there lies the opportunity to truly collaborate and create next-generation products and solutions.
- Learn why it is urgent to Leverage The Power of Generations
- Learn where and why things get off track
- Learn about honestly assessing your effectiveness with the Leverage The Power of Generations competencies.
- Learn the value of finding common ground, what binds us no matter the year of our birthday and a surprising and powerful way to make a connection and foster trust.
- Learn how innovative leaders and teams are leveraging the power of generations to more effectively change and innovate before it's too late.
- Utilize insights and techniques to bridge intergenerational gaps
- Show your organization how to cultivate intergenerational understanding
- Demonstrate how all generations have something to learn and something to teach
- Demonstrate that all workers are looking for the same thing: purpose and balance in both work and personal lives
- Leaders
- Employees of all levels
Speaker Profile

Laura is Keynote Speaker at Ijona Skills. She is an internationally recognized expert in change and the future of work. She has spent over twenty years as an innovator, speaker, coach, and advisor. Her global perspectives on workplace dynamics and change have earned her the reputation as someone who can create positive outcomes in even the most challenging workplace dynamics. Laura has authored and hosted seven internationally distributed, award-winning cinematic micro-learning programs for business and industry, she has hosted three television shows and a national radio program. She and her business partner are pioneers in Cinematic Micro-Learning programs that leverages film-making methods, coaching, …
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