Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking effects the workplace more than we know. Domestic violence in all its many forms spills over to the workplace. It impacts, absenteeism, turnover, higher health costs and workplace productivity. When you include sexual assault and stalking, the impact can be devastating. In a comprehensive focus, this HR Compliance Officer has vast experience in the world of domestic violence working as a sexual assault prevention unit and promoted to a Court based victim advocacy unit in the Bronx Criminal and Family Courts in Bronx, NY. In this former career, Margie Faulk claims that working as the senior crisis advocate for a rape crisis volunteer unit and a criminal court advocacy unit, is what propelled her to the world of human resources and later workplace compliance. This experience is what makes this training more impactful and more inspirational. Although it appeared as a great transition, it was difficult to come to terms with how the laws in the late 1999 and early 2000 did little to impact domestic violence seeping into the workplace. No doubt, the laws, and regulation noticed and took action on making domestic violence in the workplace something to address. Although it took longer than expected, the laws did take action in developing protections for employees impacted by domestic violence in their personal lives and impact in the workplace with relationships developing in the workplace.
Training of company leaders, Managers/supervisors, HR professionals and other professionals involved with employees is ever more critical. These regulations do not need to be hidden. In fact, many companies have been charged with violations when they became aware of these incidents and did nothing to address it. Needless to say, these cases are not easy to handle. HR professionals (albeit my experience as a former therapist for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence and stalking victims) are not trained in handling these cases. How many HR professional (very few) start any review of termination decisions with “Does the employee have weapons or has been in any domestic violence situations”? Many companies will not provide these critical tools because they are unaware, don’t believe there are any risks or they overlook the seriousness of this situation. This webinar will give you the guidance you need to become aware of the critical factors of workplace domestic violence situations or workplace relationships that have exploded in to violent situations. Learn how to access your Employee Assistance Program as a partner when you suspect or an employee has disclosed domestic violence, sexual assault and/or stalking incidents. This webinar will provide the resources needed to comply with the Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault & Stalking leave regulations and the new notification laws.
• What to do with the warning signs employees exhibit when they are involved in domestic violence situations?
• How are the courts assisting in making these claims non-judgmental to victims and encourage disclosure?
• Develop a checklist for these types of leaves & notification;
• How to plan for volatile domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking situations and walk away with decreased risk?
• Definition of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking in the workplace;
• What are the actual statistics impacting companies in these cases?
• What are Employers obligation when any of these issues are raised in the workplace?
• How many domestic violence cases have impacted the different industries;
• Teach Managers/Supervisors how to handle these issues when it comes up in the workplace?
• Review case situations that have impacted Employers;
• All Employers
• Business Owners
• Company Leadership
• Small business owners
• Managers/Supervisors
• Compliance professionals
• HR professionals
Training of company leaders, Managers/supervisors, HR professionals and other professionals involved with employees is ever more critical. These regulations do not need to be hidden. In fact, many companies have been charged with violations when they became aware of these incidents and did nothing to address it. Needless to say, these cases are not easy to handle. HR professionals (albeit my experience as a former therapist for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence and stalking victims) are not trained in handling these cases. How many HR professional (very few) start any review of termination decisions with “Does the employee have weapons or has been in any domestic violence situations”? Many companies will not provide these critical tools because they are unaware, don’t believe there are any risks or they overlook the seriousness of this situation. This webinar will give you the guidance you need to become aware of the critical factors of workplace domestic violence situations or workplace relationships that have exploded in to violent situations. Learn how to access your Employee Assistance Program as a partner when you suspect or an employee has disclosed domestic violence, sexual assault and/or stalking incidents. This webinar will provide the resources needed to comply with the Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault & Stalking leave regulations and the new notification laws.
• What to do with the warning signs employees exhibit when they are involved in domestic violence situations?
• How are the courts assisting in making these claims non-judgmental to victims and encourage disclosure?
• Develop a checklist for these types of leaves & notification;
• How to plan for volatile domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking situations and walk away with decreased risk?
• Definition of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking in the workplace;
• What are the actual statistics impacting companies in these cases?
• What are Employers obligation when any of these issues are raised in the workplace?
• How many domestic violence cases have impacted the different industries;
• Teach Managers/Supervisors how to handle these issues when it comes up in the workplace?
• Review case situations that have impacted Employers;
• All Employers
• Business Owners
• Company Leadership
• Small business owners
• Managers/Supervisors
• Compliance professionals
• HR professionals
Speaker Profile

Margie Faulk is a senior level human resources professional with over 15 years of HR management and compliance experience. A current Compliance Advisor for HR Compliance Solutions, LLC, Margie, has worked as an HR Compliance advisor for major corporations and small businesses in the small, large, private, public and Non-profit sectors. Margie has provided small to large businesses with risk management strategies that protect companies and reduces potential workplace fines and penalties from violation of employment regulations. Margie is bilingual (Spanish) fluent and Bi-cultural.Margie’s area of expertise includes Criminal Background Screening Policies and auditing, I-9 document correction and storage compliance, …
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